Child support can be changed at any time by the request of either party, if there is a change in circumstance. A change in circumstance might be a change in the number of overnights allocated to each party, or a change in income by each party, either by increase or decrease. The amount of child… Read More
Child support in Michigan is based on the Michigan Child Support formula and can only be deviated from if there is a particular reason or agreement of the parties, which the court must agree with, in entering a Judgment of Divorce. When a determination is made as to child support, five factors are reviewed in… Read More
Parenting time, which used to be called, visitation, is a determination by the Court or agreement by the parties as to where the children spend their time with each of the parents. This type of arrangement can be anything the parents agree upon, which is in the best interest of the minor children, or a… Read More
In Michigan property can be divided between the parties in an equitable fashion, generally speaking, any property that is obtained during the marriage is subject to distribution between the parties, any property obtained prior to marriage is generally not subject to distribution. Although fault is not a factor in obtaining a divorce, fault can be… Read More