In addition to child support, work related daycare and payment for medical treatment is administered by the Friend of the Court. With regards to work related daycare, this factor and expense is to be allocated between the parties, either upon agreement or after trial, if 1) is related to the work of the parties seeking… Read More
When a case is filed in Michigan, after service on the other party, there is a period of time entered into called “the discovery period”. Discovery in Michigan is a process by which either party can obtain information from the other party or third party sources, concerning all matters involved in divorce, regarding custody, parenting… Read More
Retirement benefits, pensions, 401k, 403b, IRAs and other retirement plans are subject to distribution through divorce proceedings. Regardless of which party obtained the retirement benefits, generally speaking, any retirement benefits that are accumulated during marriage, become marital property and are subject to distribution. Any retirement benefits that are accumulated prior to marriage are generally awarded… Read More